Thursday, February 28, 2008

Like a lion, I will roar.

Last night I was at a play and I kept getting these animalistic urges to yell. It was really quite unnerving. I might be a ham, an attention whore, and just loud in general, but I'm not crazy. Half the time I didn't even know the things that I was thinking when I caught myself in the conscious act of not yelling them. It felt like I was in a state of semi-control, and those parts of your brain where instinct hides were messing with me.

Today I was walking behind an old lady, and the same thing happened again. This time I caught myself wanting to yell "Hey, OLD LADY!" and just scare the shit out of her (probably literally). Again, I was surprised with myself. I've never had these urges before, and its actually quite scary. I'm afraid that one time I won't catch myself, and some innocent old lady will ruin her underwear.

If I was literally going to scare the shit out of someone, I would pick a baby or an old person, because they might be wearing a diaper anyway.

Reason Number 1,023 Why I Will Never Be A Famous Writer:
I can only articulate my thoughts in short guttural bursts of unintelligible shouting.

1 comment:

IncrediBlack said...

dude, i TOTALLY know what you're talking about. I always have the urge to yell at people, and really commend my self control for holding myself back. i lose all self control when i'm drunk, as you well know...